Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Joys of Teething!

This week has been so busy. I'm trying to get in as many hours as I can working from home and to make things busier, Ella is teething. It's like everything I knew has changed. She used to be a great napper... not any more. She naps for 20-30 minutes in the morning & another in the morning and is bright eyed and ready to go when she wakes up.

I can tell her gums hurt her because she can't get her fingers out of her mouth. She has a toys that she loves to put in her mouth but what she loves most of all is mommy's fingers. She is crabby and very needy. I have given her infant Tylenol but I'm afraid I am drugging her! I'm trying to only give it to her when she is really fussy and really needs a nap.

Last Saturday was my 25th birthday. I love birthdays! It is something else to be thankful for - another year of life! Since having Ella I really know how important birthdays are for mommy's. I'm so thankful for my mom and I really feel it more now!!

My Aunt Paula came over to babysit while Mark & I went out with friends. We went to Dave and Buster's. I had never been... we had a blast!! Air hockey is our favorite game to play together. I don't ever want him to let me win. We are very competitive.

Over all it was a good week... Here are some pictures.

I have decided to start a photography business. Right now it's very small... I don't have a great camera (it's a really good camera just not for professional pictures) and I'm still learning how to get good lighting, poses, etc. I would like to start off with family and friends to get a portfolio started and eventually make some money. The thing is I need to make money to get a new camera... anyway, check out my photography blog (most of the pictures you see here will be there but, support is nice!)

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Nice Little Friday

Today Mark took the day off to spend time with his girls. We had some things we had to get done and after we did that we went for a walk at Veteran's Park. It was BEAUTIFUL! November 6th and it's SUNNY and EIGHTY DEGREES!! wow.

What's so funny about this picture is that every time I get in the passenger seat of our car I put my foot up on the dashboard just like this. Ella is so much like me that she does this in her stroller... good luck Mark!!

Veteran's Park has a Disc Golf course that Mark plays on. He decided to get in a few holes while we were there. As happy as I am that Mark has a hobby that he loves I think it is a dumb game. Just an opinion. Good thing Mark has a lot of friends that love to play with him because this is one game I will be sitting out for. Here are some pictures!!

I love photography. I like to take pictures of everything I see. Eventually I want to make a business out of it. Here are some nature pictures from our walk.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall Has Come to Our House!

Fall has made it's way to our house...

And no one else's...

I guess our tree knows we are from MI and wants us to feel like fall! Too bad it's 77 degrees outside. I'm not complaining. I love this weather. Anyway, it's a perfect time for a photo shoot!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hair Diddies!

I have been trying to make some headbands for Ella. They are so expensive to buy and hard to find. I decided to make some myself!!

They look adorable... I had to put them on Ella right away!!

I'm soo excited they turned out so well. Now I'm dreaming of more headband ideas!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Warewolf Bar Mitzvah, Spooky, Scary!

Last night was Halloween!! Halloween is my favorite holiday. I have been so excited to dress Ella up and go trick-or-treating. Mark and I decided that Ella should be a monkey because she always makes the cutest monkey noises. Last weekend we got her costume and I made sure to put a little pink bow on it so everyone would be sure a little girl was in that monkey suit!

My Aunt Rosemary sent us a costume too! She was shopping and saw a cute little lady bug and couldn't pass it up! I don't blame her! The costume was so cute. We got some pictures in it. Ella had no problem with me putting her in the costumes and taking pictures. Such a sweetie!

We decided to go to our friend's Josh and Marta's house to go trick-or-treating with their boys. Trick-or-Treating is so different from what it was when we were little. There were barely any houses handing out candy. Maybe it's just Texas. I can't see the economy being an excuse. Candy is not that expensive and you don't have to buy Halloween costumes. There are so many things you can make you just need to be a little creative. Anyway, the kids had fun and that's all that matters. Ella made it about a 1/2 hour before she fell asleep. Oh well!!

Ella slept SO good last night. I guess all that spooking wore her out.